Keepers of the Kingdom
Our VBS program for 2025 is called ‘Keepers of the Kingdom’. Every day, our kids are bombarded with lies through school, social media, TV programs, and movies about who they are, where they come from, who their creator is, and where their salvation is found. They’ll discover that we’re in a battle between the truth of God’s Word and the lies they hear from the world. But God has given his children armor to wear in this battle
During VBS week, children will discover what this armor is and how to use it. They’ll be equipped to think biblically so they can see through the enemy’s lies and hold fast to truth as they fight the good fight for Christ.
We are excited to welcome children ages 5-10 to join us at VBS, where you’ll enjoy Bible stories, songs, games, snacks, and more as we learn more about the Bible together!
Registration will open soon!