Welcome to Trinity Canadian Reformed Church!

Thank you for visiting our website.

We are a community of gospel-centred Christians living primarily in Binbrook/Mount Hope/Caledonia, Ontario, Canada. We strive to serve God in all areas of our lives. We believe Jesus Christ is essential for every person in every situation, and we want to help you discover Him. All are welcome to worship with us and grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are excited that you are here and look forward to meeting you.

We worship weekly on Sundays at 3081 Tisdale Road, in Mount Hope, ON. Our services are held at 9:30 am and 3:00 pm. We invite you to join us for worship in-person, or via live stream through our YouTube Channel.


Who is Jesus?

What is the most important question someone has ever asked you? As you ponder thisquestion, let me introduce you to what many, including myself, believe to be one of the mostimportant questions ever asked. Who do you say I am? So, who asked this question, you ask?And why is it so important? Well for that…

Introduction of Rev. VanWoudenberg & Family

My origins lie in rural Ontario. I was born and raised in Haldimand County near the town of Dunnville. More importantly I was born to Christian parents and raised in the ways of the Lord from the very beginning. I received my elementary schooling at John Calvin School in Smithville, and from there went to…

Dave Slaney

A Testimony From a Dear Brother

This testimony was written in November, 2021, shortly before Dave was scheduled to undergo his third surgery for a brain tumour. My name is David Gordon Slaney. I was born on September 6, 1968, in Peterborough, Ontario. My journey to the Lord took many years. To start with, I was adopted twice. I was abused…

Necessity of Prayer – Ukraine

As headlines and social media continue to bring us coverage of the horror that has been happening in Ukraine, it’s easy to be discouraged and drained by all the devastation and the loss of life. If there is anything our world desperately needs right now it is prayer. Prayer for help and hope in the…



What is GriefShare? GriefShare is a Bible-based program made up of a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. You are welcome to join the GriefShare group at any session. Each is ‘self-contained’, so you…

Discipleship Explored

What is Discipleship Explored? Discipleship Explored is an 8 session series for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives. It is perfect for guests who have been through Christianity Explored or who have recently decided to follow Christ. Perhaps you know you believe in Christ, but at this stage in your…

Vacation Bible School

Keepers of the Kingdom Our VBS program for 2025 is called ‘Keepers of the Kingdom’. Every day, our kids are bombarded with lies through school, social media, TV programs, and movies about who they are, where they come from, who their creator is, and where their salvation is found. They’ll discover that we’re in a…